Develop and produce a music video to sell the song ‘What’s it gonna be? – H20 ft. Platinum’
It’s a 3:05 minute music video.
Key Messages:
The key messages for our video is to be true to your heart and no matter how sexy or good looking your girlfriend or boyfriend is you should just love them for their personality.
Video Development process video:
Phase 1: planning (May) – We will storyboard the complete video, research suitable locations for shooting the video and prepare a schedule for organising elements of the production process. This will include alternative shooting dates to use the right weather conditions for particular shots.
Phase 2: production (May) – Film all scenes using mini DV cameras and tripods where appropriate.
Phase 3: Post-Production (May) – Complete rough edits of music track using iMovie software. Present to client in QuickTime format for review.
Incorporate client feedback. Re-edit video, submit for client approval changes, then final re-edit and approval.
Phase 4: Mastering and distribution production time-line (May/June) – 1 DVD copy delivered to the client for approval. The video is likely to be made into multiple copies for sale and offered for sale as a download.
By showing this video it will try to show young adults in-love should just be happy with who they’ve got because someone may come and try to take whom you love away.
Budget of estimating costs
Consulting/scripting: £1,600.00
Location Production: £4,600.00
Graphics & Media: £900.00
Editing, Digtization, DVD and web movie creations: £7,400.00
Total budget: £14,800.00
Travel Expenses will be billed separately.